ColorIt April Fan of the Month Winners
Posted by 3five Support on

When did you first pick up a coloring book?
I am not really sure, but I have loved coloring and drawing ever since I can remember.
Describe your perfect coloring atmosphere.
I love coloring anywhere really, but I love it the most when coloring with my family. We actually have coloring days when my children and grandchildren come out for the day and we color together.
Tell us about your creative process when you get ready to color.
That is a tough one. Sometimes, a coloring scheme comes to me right away. Other times, I color a picture in stages because it takes me time to decide what to do next. I have spent hours, even days deciding how to color a picture. I sometimes lay awake at night and let ideas roll through my mind. I have had some of my really good ideas just before falling asleep!
How has coloring changed or added to your life?
Coloring/drawing has always been a special interest of mine but lately, it has become more of a relaxing activity. I have health issues and can't engage in the physical activities I used to. Coloring allows me to do something I love while also giving me a sense of accomplishment.
What advice would you give someone who isn't confident in their coloring technique?
I have some family members who say they don't want to color because nothing they do could compare to mine. What I say to them is: "There is always someone who will be better than me, but each picture I color is a reflection of who I am and nothing can take that away."
What’s your favorite ColorIt book? What title would you like to see in the future?
I love all of the ones I have purchased so far. I would eventually like to get all of them. As far as future books go, I like to be surprised. Surprise me!
Is there anything else you want to share about your love of coloring?
I watch a lot of YouTube videos to improve my technique. Especially when using a medium I have never used before. The markers I used in this picture were a first for me. I spent a lot of time online learning techniques for coloring with markers. I am still learning and will continue to improve because I like to take my time and don't try to rush through a picture. As long as the result is pleasing to me, it is worth the time and effort I have put into it.
When did you first pick up a coloring book?
I started adult coloring about 2 years ago.
Describe your perfect coloring atmosphere.
I like to color on the sofa listening to soft music with water sounds like waterfalls and rain.
Tell us about your creative process when you get ready to color.
I start with the larger items in a picture to establish what my main colors will be. I color every day.
How has coloring changed or added to your life?
An hour goes by like 5 minutes and I find it very enjoyable.
What advice would you give someone who isn’t confident in their coloring technique?
You can watch instructional videos on the computer to learn techniques or you can not worry about techniques. The more you color the better you'll become. It's about having fun.
What’s your favorite ColorIt book? What title would you like to see in the future?
My favorite book is Blissful Scenes by Hasby Mubarok. I have 2 of his books and am looking forward to more.
Is there anything else you want to share about your love of coloring?
I urge everyone to color. It can be as expensive or as inexpensive as you want to make it and you can take it with you wherever you go. I have a genetic eye disease and have had 2 cornea transplants so I'm grateful every day that I can color.
Take a look at all the April Fan of the Month Winners!
We love how this mandala colored by Sarah Blanton comes right off the page! The shading throughout the coloring page really creates a dynamic three-dimensional look! Sarah included her ColorIt gel pens in her submission, which doubled her prize!!
Jo Hanson created this beautiful sunflower from our Colorful Flowers coloring book. I absolutely love the shading throughout this coloring page and the white border around the flower really makes it POP! AJ says this page was his second favorite creation. Beautiful work, Jo! Fun fact: Erika's favorite flower is the sunflower!
This Blissful Scenes drawing by Linda Fleischman is so colorful!! Linda was unafraid to use a multitude of colors throughout the patterns to create a beautiful masterpiece! I would love to attend this vibrant backyard tea party. Way to go, Linda!
This page from Mandalas Vol. 1 was colored by Mary Thompson. I love Mary's choice of colors throughout this design, but my favorite part is how she left some spots white throughout the page to give it more depth! What a wonderful mandala, Mary!
Each winner is rewarded a $25 ColorIt gift card, but there is a way to double your winnings! Include your ColorIt markers, gel pens or colored pencils in your submission photo! It's that easy! If you're looking for a chance to be featured as ColorIt's Fan of the Month, go to our Fan of the Month contest page to learn more!
Want 10% off our fan favorite coloring book Blissful Scenes? Let us know what kind of atmosphere puts you in a state of pure coloring bliss in the comments below and enter coupon code BLISSFUL10 at checkout!! Happy coloring! (:
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I am very jealous of the people that have done so well coloring. Would love to have them give lessons but since we are all over the country it would sure hard to get together. I thought mine were great but after seeing how they come across , I have lot to learn by myself. Thank you for all of the coloring they have done.
I really enjoy coloring with the 3 free markers that I received from Colorit and I like how they are made with the large rounded triangle shape which makes it easier for people like me to hold onto that have arthritis in their hands (KUDOS TO COLORIT FOR DOING THIS!! ??), I have 2 questions…
First, can I buy refills for the 3 markers I got from you? I see the letters and numbers on the tips of each marker so I’m assuming thats what they are for, Please tell me I’m correct ? and secondly, what is the difference between the two sets of markers that I can purchase? I really want to get the largest set but I want to find out the difference between the two sets before I commit to buying any… Thanks… ??
they did great! I’d really like to see their pictures up close so we could really see the detail and maybe learn something. I’d really like to see Debra Abbey teach us how she used markers to make that dreamy picture!! and Sarah Blanton’s gel pen mandala!! You got to be kidding!! Nothing I do looks any thing like either of those and everyone thinks I color wonderful. HA! I need lessons from those two! I would pay to watch either of those ppl. Thank You for hosting their pics. I want to see more of those two!!
Beautiful work everyone!