March Fan of the Month Winners
Posted by 3five Support on
There are always people that voice on our page how they can never find the time for coloring. It’s hard to put time aside to focus on a coloring page when you have school, work, a family, errands, fitness classes… the list could be endless for some of you!! What you probably didn’t know is that when you put time aside for coloring, you are actually putting time aside for your mental well being.
Not only can coloring stimulate creativity and imagination, but it is also the perfect way to slow yourself down which gives you the opportunity to relax and stay focused. Coloring is not just beneficial in your personal life, but your professional life as well! March Fan of the Month winner Karen Strubel speaks about how coloring has calmed her heart and soul as well as improved her career as a decorative painter! Continue on to read Karen’s full interview and see our other March Fan of the Month Winners!

1. When did you first pick up a coloring book?
“I have been coloring for as long as I can remember... When I met my husband almost 18 years ago I was still coloring and he thought that was the greatest thing. Coloring actually made me into the artist I am today.. I went from coloring to a full-time Decorative Painter.”
2. Describe your perfect coloring atmosphere.“When I color I like to have some type of noise... I usually listen to my TV while coloring.”
3.Tell us about your creative process when you get ready to color.“I really don't have a process when I get ready to color... LOL... I just love to color it makes all my worries go away and allows me to create.”
4. How has coloring changed or added to your life?
“Well the only thing I can say about how coloring has changed or added to my life is it made me into the artist I am today.”
From Mandalas Vol. 2 - Karen only used 3 colors from our sample markers!
“I would tell anyone who isn't confident in their coloring to Never Give Up!!... All of us were beginners at one time and just keep practicing... That is what I did...I never went to an art school and never have taken an art class... I taught myself everything i know… So NEVER GIVE UP!!!!!!”
6.What's your favorite ColorIt book? What title would you like to see in the future?
“Well, I have to say my favorite so far is "Blissful Scenes" but truthfully I love all of Colorit's coloring books and products.”
7. Is there anything else you want to share about your love of coloring?
“The only thing I can say is just keep coloring... it calms the heart and soul.”
-Karen Strubel ♥
This is Karen's winning submission from Blissful Scenes selected by Erika. Erika said she thought Karen did a spectacular job with her use of acrylic paint and shading to create a wonderful creation! I am blown away by the amount of detail that was put in. Beautiful job, Karen!
Take a look at the other winners from the judged portion of our March Fan of the Month contest!
This is Pam Alberts's winning submission from Dogs: Everyone's Best Friend selected by AJ. AJ says this drawing was a no brainer for him due to the "smokin' hot" lady in the picture. Look familiar?! ;) I love the outlines and highlights thrown in throughout the picture to make it truly POP! Good job, Pam!
This is Jennifer Hay's winning submission from Mythical & Fantasy, which was my selection!! I loved the colors and the use of both gel pens and markers to make a wonderfully dynamic picture! You can tell Jennifer even contoured the nose to make this earth goddess really come to life... and I LOVE the sparkles! Lovely work, Jennifer!
Each Fan of the Month contest, we include 3 randomly selected winners so that we can give those that weren't selected by our judges a chance to win!! Check them out...
This adorable owl is Debbie Davis's winning submission from Colors of Nature! Debbie also wanted to show off her amazing work on this intricate mandala from Mandalas Vol 1. The color schemes in both creations are absolutely wonderful! I love these, Debbie! Debbie also included her colored pencils in her submission, which DOUBLED her prize!!
This lion drawing from Cats, Kittens and Wildcats is Debbie Seddell's winning submission! This colorful cat is absolutely breathtaking and I absolutely adore the greens used in the Mandala from Mandalas Vol 2! Keep sharing your colorful work with us, Debbie!
This page was colored by Brandy Espinosa from our Blissful Scenes coloring book. I love the colors used and how concentrated they are throughout the entire page! Great job, Brandy!
Each winner is rewarded a $25 ColorIt gift card, unless you include your ColorIt markers, gel pens or colored pencils in your submission photo... then it gets doubled to $50!! Want a chance to be featured as ColorIt's Fan of the Month? Go to our April Fan of the Month contest page to learn more!
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Oh my these drawings are beautiful.
Everyone is so talented. Looks like I need to practice before showing my coloring. Thanks for sharing!! ?
I see that only US residents can enter the contests. I’m a US resident, but I live in Germany off and on as I live with my sister who is a school counselor on an American base. So does this mean I can only enter when I’m in the states for vacation?
Congratulations All!